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Republic of Costa Rica
Pura Vida

As this ministry was being prayed over in the developing stages, one consideration was for future growth across the globe. Ultimately putting us in a position that would allow for God to expand our footprint into other parts of the world. This is where and why the tag 'International' was placed onto our ministry name. Guatemala would be our staring point but from there we would just trust God to open the doors for 'what was next'.

Early in 2023, a couple of our team members were invited, by a partnering church, to attend a mission trip to Costa Rica. On this trip God connected us with like-minded people and a vision was cast for what a partnership there could look like. 


As we are in the beginning phases of this, please pray for our team and our board of directors to have clear guidance on how to move forward. We are excited about what God is going to do. 


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