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Great is Thy Faithfulness

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A missionary testimony by Holly Styles

Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me…

Our trip to Guatemala was truly the Lord’s faithfulness. Our team of 23 from PGCC - the youngest in Middle School and the oldest in her 60s - came together and loved each other in a way that could only be the Lord.

The Lord provided in miraculous ways for us, and I must thank you for joining us in our ministry in Guatemala. Your generosity, prayers, and kindness were used by the Lord for

His glory. Thank you.

A Story of His Peace

On our flight from the US to Guatemala, a poor Guatemalan baby was having the hardest time. He was screaming and would not be consoled. Fully content to ignore the screaming, I put my headphones in to watch a movie.

Yet, God whispered to me, “Go help that sweet baby. You can calm him.”

“That is weird, Lord! That momma will think I am a human trafficker or something!”

“Go calm that sweet baby.”

“Babies don’t like me, Lord! What if I try and I make it worse?!”

“Go calm that sweet baby. I will give you My Peace.”

At that point, the flight attendant walked down the aisle and offered to take the baby. He did his best, but the boy was having none of it.


I unbuckled and walked to the back of the plane, and the flight attendant walked toward me with the distressed babe in tow. “Let me try,” I said. I took the baby in my arms, and held him close. Breathing deeply, I prayed peace over him. Would you know that the only song that came to mind was Jesus Loves Me? I sang softly over him, and the sweet boy calmed and quieted. It was the sweetest time, a baby I didn’t even know his name, but in that moment, I experienced the provision of the Lord and His Joy that comes in obedience to His call.

Yo Tengo Gozo

The rest of the trip, I surrendered to the Lord. No matter what I was asked to do, I knew He would go with me and provide everything I needed. Our first day of ministry I was asked to lead the singing and dancing station - ha! In Spanish! Haha! Yet, He provided a wonderful, joyfilled translator named Rebecca, who at 16 years old, could command a room full of youngsters. He provided a song through Mrs. Royal at PGHS, who had written out the words to “I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my heart!” for another team member.

That first day at a school in Guatemala we taught 200+ children “Yo tengo gozo, gozo, gozo, gozo, en mi corazón! Dondé? En mi corazón!...” We laughed, we danced, we prayed, and we loved on those children. A million miles out of my comfort zone, God

provided all I needed, and I know He was glorified.

Over the next several days, we packed in so much. The second day, I was on a team who went into the Guatemalan mountains to a remote village and installed a stove for cooking in a sweet woman’s home. Elisabeth and her two children, Nathan and Alissia, lived in a shack with a dirt floor, and cooked outside over a fire. We installed a beautiful stove inside her home, complete with a vent through the metal roof! We shared the gospel, gave her bags of rice, and gave a sweet doll and candy bags to the children. We pray that God would bless Elisabeth and that her children would love the Lord.

Others on our team built bunk beds, and then carried them up the steepest incline you might imagine! Mitch got to carry a mattress up the hill - it was not easy! But it was worth it. Families who previously slept on dirt floors now sleep in sturdy, comfortable bunk beds that will last. Our teammates also led Bible studies for groups of women, teens, children, and preschoolers. What a privilege to study God’s word together, share testimonies, and pray with one another. Each night our team met together to process the day. Again and again we

heard our teammates tell stories of God’s leading, God’s divine intervention, and how He was changing our hearts.

Build a House?! Okay, we’ll build a house.

Mitch and his team spent the day starting a house building project for a woman named Wendy and her children. Wendy’s family had been living a few yards away from the building site, in a lean-to shack made of scraps of metal and a tarp for a roof. That day starting with just the foundation, our team framed the house - incredible! By the end of our trip, the house was built, the roof on, even landscaping was installed in the front. The JOY of the house dedication, the pride and accomplishment of finishing such a project for a family in need - indescribable.

At the market the day before the house dedication, Mitch came to me and suggested we buy a cross to hang in Wendy’s house. We bought a beautiful wooden cross that spelled out JESUS. Mitch installed it the next day and we continue to pray that Jesus would always be glorified there.

Two Guatemalan Ambulance Rides

Saturday Mitch and I were on the same team at the house build. I had not been feeling well, but had taken some medicine and committed the day to the Lord. About thirty minutes into nailing siding in the rain, I got really dizzy and nauseous. I collapsed and passed out on my way to the outhouse, scaring everyone at the site! Again, the Lord provided as Kendra Thompson, a surgical nurse, was also with us. The team leaders called an ambulance, and then Mitch, Kendra, our translator Dano, and I got to ride in a Guatemalan ambulance down flooded streets to the local clinic. Unfortunately, the clinic was not equipped to do bloodwork, etc. We loaded up again in another ambulance and found ourselves at the nicest, cleanest private hospital I have ever seen - Hospital Nasir.

After talking with Kendra and the doctor, they concluded that I was severely dehydrated and probably had some kind of infection. I received two bags of IV fluids, and my bloodwork came back fine. We were released at around 5:00 pm, and would you believe that after two ambulance rides, bloodwork, IVs and an emergency room visit, the total cost was $130?!

Again, the Lord provided every single thing I needed and I give Him all the glory and praise.

Hands of Hope International

Our team of 23 partnered with Hands of Hope International. Founded by Erik and Amanda Hunt, their team led and loved us so well. Having been in Guatemala since 2020, they laid the groundwork of relationships and connections that truly enabled us to join

them in ministry. It was truly a blessing to join them in the harvest field, and I praise the Lord for how they prepared the ground and planted so many seeds, working in faith that the Lord would multiply their efforts.

Shelby Weldon was our outreach coordinator, and she truly did a fantastic job strategically planning our outreaches and handling the multiple logistics every single day. Our Guatemalan translators, Charlie, Patty, Rebecca, Alex, Dani and Dano, were so patient, so wise and so kind. They helped us navigate a different culture and enabled us to share the Gospel with hundreds of people in their native language.

Pastor Fontaine and Access Church provided the perfect home away from home. What a ministry of comfort and provision for a bunch of gringos! We were blessed with delicious food, comfortable sleeping arrangements, and a beautiful rooftop space to gather,

pray and praise. The bilingual Sunday service was absolutely incredible. If you have a chance, check out Access Church Guatemala on Facebook, and their worship playlist on Spotify. You will not regret it!

Thank You for Your Partnership

Thank you again for your prayers and partnership in this life-changing ministry.

Mitch and I will be processing this experience for a long time. I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you, that His Face will shine on you and be gracious to you, that He will look

on you with favor and give you peace, my friends.

Holly Styles

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Morning by morning, new mercies I see.

All I hath needed Thy Hand hath provided,

Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me.

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