Our family would like to officially announce and welcome you alongside us as we transition into becoming full time missionaries in Guatemala.
As most of you know, we have been praying and seeking His direction for several years now, walking in obedience to where He leads. In 2020, we will move to Guatemala and serve at a children’s home called Casa Aleluya.
As we transition into this new season, we would love to stay connected with all of you!
We have started a ministry called ‘Hands of Hope International’ which will prayerfully be able to fund not only our personal needs but also give additional support to the children at Casa and the surrounding community in Guatemala through different outreach ministries.
We invite you to visit our website and follow us on our social media outlets for all of the latest updates. You can also find multiple ways to plug in with us on this journey by subscribing to our email list to receive our monthly newsletter and more.
All of our information can be found at: handsofhopeinternational.com
Thank you for all of your prayers and support. #herewego #guatemalabound #handsofhope #lifeonmission #lovecasa #huntpartyof4